Browsing 2019's Items (27)
Purāṇic Studies : Proceedings of the Purāṇa Section of the 17th World Sanskrit Conference, July 9-13, 2018
Balkaran, Raj
Sūtra Paraphrases in the Cāndravyākaraṇavṛtti, the Kāśikāvṛtti, and the Mahāvṛtti
Ben-Dor, Sharon
A Non-Śrauta Ritual in the Oldest Yajurveda Text : Maitrāyaṇī Saṁhitā IV 2 (Gonāmika Chapter)
Amano, Kyoko
The Structure and Meanings of the Heruka Maṇḍala in the Buddhist Ḍākārṇava Scriptural Tradition
Sugiki, Tsunehiko
On the question of circularity in A 1.3.3 hal antyam
Bonino, Beatrice
French Grammars of Sanskrit and Word-Class Systems
Aussant, Émilie
“Who Has Found Speech Having Entered into the Seers?” : On ṚV 10.71.3 and the Origin of Speech
Köhler, Frank
How to Translate a Gerund? : The “Gerund/absolutive” in Epic-Puranic and Classical Sanskrit Literature
Söhnen-Thieme, Renate
Bhīṣma, an (Un)reliable Narrator
Špicová, Zuzana
Imparting Yoga Texts in Saṃskṛta : A Teaching Experiment and Its Outcome
Mahadevan, Jayaraman
Computational Sanskrit & Digital Humanities : Selected Papers Presented at the 17th World Sanskrit Conference, July 9-13, 2018
Huet, Gérard
Tracing the Underpinning Arguments of the Dichotomy of the Aṣṭādhyāyī Krama (AK) and the Prakriyā Krama (PK)
Joshi, Sanhita L.
The Development of Pāśastobha (The Stunning of Bonds) in Śaiva Initiation, Together with an Analysis of the Piṇḍamantras Taught in the Tantrasadbhāva and the Tantrāloka
Bang, Junglan
The Voyage of Sanskrit from India to Mauritius
Ramjatton, Kirthee Devi
Bitextual Meaning in Two Pre-navya Vyākaraṇas : The Case of Rāmacandrācārya and Jīva Gosvāmin
Blinderman, Radha
Scope of Early Sanskrit Usage : A Wider Approach
Deshpande, Madhav M.
Svārthika Suffixes vs. Endocentric Taddhita Derivatives
Wielińska-Soltwedel, Małgorzata
Book 4 of the Mahābhārata and the Omphale-Heracles Story : Methodological Questions
Wulff Alonso, Fernando
Similes and Metaphors in the Agnihotra of Jaiminīya Brāhmaṇa
Das Gupta, Mau
Upāyas for Eternal Bliss in the Traita Philosophy
T. R., Gowri
Modern Sanskrit Poetry in Global Perspective
Sharma, Hari Dutt
What Is the Purpose of Restating dā in Aṣṭādhyāyī 5.3.19 : tado dā ca?
Kawamura, Yūto
Ambā’s Speech to Bhīṣma (MBh 1.96.48-49)
Morales-Harley, Roberto
Smell or Incense in Vedic Ritual
Ōshima, Chisei
The Practice of Saṃskāras in Assam, a Northeastern Part of India: A Note
Sarma, Jagadish
Tradition of Sun Worship in Kashmir
Kaul, Advaitavadini
Technical Types of Waters in Vedic Ritual
Gadgil, Mugdha