UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Breaking the looping chain : subtitle The environmentalism of petro-culture Madison, Kevin Bruce


This thesis argues that the incentive structures engendered by petroleum-based export economies have a strong influence on the formation of domestic environmental movements. As a result, these movements display a set of similar characteristics, which distinguish them from other environmental movements. These movements are classified under the category of 'the environmentalism of petro-culture.' This concept is then applied to two of the environmental movements that have developed in Nigeria's Niger Delta, concluding that these groups display characteristics that correspond to the environmentalism of petro-culture. Furthermore, several other states with large petroleum-based export economies are briefly examined as case studies to determine whether environmentalism of petroculture movements have developed there. Based on these brief studies, the conclusion is drawn that Ecuador and Aceh have environmental movements that display characteristics that fit the environmentalism of petro-culture concept. Furthermore, it seems likely that similar movements will develop in Cameroon and Chad. Finally, the relationship between environmentalism of petro-culture groups and transnational environmental networks is examined. The conclusion drawn is that, due to the vague policy demands of the transnational groups, domestic environmentalism of petro-culture movements are able to find issues in common with them, despite a drastic difference in their demands.

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