UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Fritz Zorn's contribution to the manuscript Berlin 414 with transcription and interpretation of Lieder written in his verborgenen Ton Baxendale, Phyllis


This thesis is a study of the contribution of Fritz Zorn to the literary genre of Meisterlied. Source material for the work was found in a micro-film copy of the German manuscript cod, germ, quart. 414, Berlin, Preussische Staatsbibliothek. The manuscript, begun in 1517 by Hans Sachs, the most gifted of the Meistersinger, is an anthology of 398 Meisterlieder written in 142 different Töne or metrical patterns. Fritz Zorn is represented by four Töne which form the model for same 76 Lieder. The thesis constitutes a transcription, annotation and study of 23 religious songs written in the verborgenen Ton of Fritz Zorn together with a discussion of his remaining tonal patterns. On the basis of these and the transcribed Lieder of other printed manuscripts, an attempt has been made to evaluate Fritz Zorn's place as one of the twelve Meistersinger of Nurnberg.

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