UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The development of a predictive test for mathematical success Biggs, Marjorie Dudley


It was the purpose of this study (1) to review the literature in regards to the predictive validity of the available mathematical counselling tests; (2) to analyze the sequences of mathematics courses that have and would be undertaken by students; (3) to analyze the content of these mathematics courses for skills and concepts; and (h) to determine the content of the new mathematical counselling test. All versions of this counselling test consisted of two distinct sections. Part one contained problems whose solutions were dependent upon the student's comprehension of mathematical concepts and procedures to which he had been exposed. The second section was based on new material presented in a teach-test format. The test was administered, evaluated, revised and administered again several times. On a small sample of students the test scores from both sections had a correlation coefficient of just less than 0.70. The correlation coefficient between the two sections has been close to 0.50. Each section of this test is a good predictor of a student's grade in mathematics and measures different aspects needed for mathematical competence.

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