UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A feedlot replacement model Freding, William Karl


The purpose of the study was to develop a realistic method of determining the optimum replacement time of steers in a feedlot in which there are sequential feeding cycles. There are two models for steers developed and discussed in this paper. The first model optimizes the length of stay in the feedlot assuming that feedlot capacity is the limiting constraint. The second model optimizes the length of stay in the feedlot when working capital is the limiting constraint. A third model is developed to determine the optimum length of feeding time for market hogs in a feeding barn. An evaluation of each model is made. It is concluded that the cattle models have a limited use because of the high variability in performance. The hog replacement model is quite valid and can be used in a modern hog feeding enterprise.

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