UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

An examination on alternative methods of community development/design Laurien, Jeff


The prevailing development pattern of sprawling suburbs prevents sustainability and can no longer be tolerated . Since the end of WWII the "American Dream" to own a single - family home on a large lot away from the blight of downtowns has greatly reduced the quality of life of North Americans. To reverse this trend sustainable development/ sustainability must be society’s goal. This means that the actions of society - particularly where community development/design is concerned - must promote environmental integrity, economic vitality , and social well - being . The recent New Urbanism Movement which focuses on community development/design makes this important realization . In doing so, it has fostered a series of alternative methods of community development/design which promote environmental integrity , economic vitality , and social well-being. The most prominent examples are Traditional Neighbourhood Development, Transit Oriented Development, and, more recently in Canada, the Metropolitain Purlieu . However, these concepts are not panaceas to sustainability and can gain further insight from earlier development/design projects such as Village Homes in California . By combining the best of the ideas from these concepts and supplementing them with further ideas a concept which further enhances environmental integrity , economic vitality , and social well - being is developed. However, such a concept is only useful if it can be successfully implemented. Thus, prominent barriers to sustainable community development/design such as uncertainty over cost and marketability , and inadequate regulations / guidelines to allow for or promote alternative methods of development/design must be overcome. One method of achieving this is through the use of the performance point system which is devised here. Regardless of the method of implementation used to enhance the environmental integrity , economic vitality , and social well-being of a community, it is clear that immediate action is required . Without it, the quality of life of North Americans will continue to deteriorate and sustainability will not be realized .

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