UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Parties and participation in Vancouver, 1964-1976 Ioannou, Gregory Phillip


The formation of participationist parties was a strategy employed in the drive for reform of traditional mechanisms for public control of government decisions in the late 1960's. This paper evaluates the impact of such a party on levels of participation at the urban level by examining participation at Vancouver public hearings. A comparison between Vancouver and two "control" municipalities suggests that, while the formation of a party probably has no effect, the election of a new participationist party results in changes in participation similar to those caused by the election of any new party. A closer examination of the Vancouver data reveals how the participationist beliefs of the council interacted with a number of other factors to increase participation. Although it is concluded that the data presented do not allow an adequate evaluation of this participationist strategy, it is noted that a participationist party is not a necessary condition, and may not even be a sufficient condition, for increased participation.

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