UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Monte Carlo simulation and aspects of the magnetostatic design of the TRIUMF second arm spectrometer Duncan, Fraser Andrew


The optical design of the TRIUMF Second Arm Spectrometer (SASP) has been completed and the engineering design started. The effects of the dipole shape and field clamps on the aperture fringe fields were studied. It was determined that a field clamp would be necessary to achieve the field specifications over the desired range of dipole excitations. A specification of the dipole pole edges and field clamps for the SASP is made. A Monte Carlo simulator for the SASP was written. During the design this was used to study the profiles of rays passing through the SASP. These profiles were used in determining the positioning of the dipole vacuum boxes and the SASP detector arrays. The simulator is intended to assess experimental arrangements of the SASP.

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