UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Social values and educational change : a study of those values said to be ’traditional’ in Chilean society, their change in historical time and the reflection of change in Chilean education De Vescovi, David


The present study deals with Social Values and educational change in Chile. An investigation of those values said to be "traditional" in Chilean society, their change in historical time and the reflection of change in Chilean education. The comparative method was explored and found to be an advanced procedure of investigation that requires careful planning together with a substantial amount of relevant description. The descriptive approach was found to be a relatively simple method that prepares conditions for a future comparative method. This approach is more suitable at this stage for the Chilean educational reality. In order to enrich the descriptive approach a structural-functionalist perspective was used. The combination of the descriptive approach and structural-functionalist perspective generated a framework that permitted an historical and sociological interpretation of the Chilean traditional value systems. A certain degree of maintenance and continuity of traditional values -was identified, together with the generation of new values. A conscious social integration of traditional and new value systems was observed in, the Chilean educational process.

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