UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Wave-guide propagation of acoustic-gravity waves in an isothermal layer model of the stratosphere McReynolds, William Peter


It is suggested that the stratosphere may-act as a wave-guide for certain types of acoustic-gravity waves. An isothermal layer model is proposed which introduces gravity terms into the equations governing wave propagation. An expression for the phase change on reflection at a boundary of the layer is derived. Numerical solutions to the equation for wave-guide, modes of propagation are obtained by the use of a digital computer. Results are given in the form of dispersion curves. Cutoff is found to occur at a frequency well above the Brunt resonant frequency for the stratosphere. The model stratosphere proposed in this study does not behave as a lossless wave-guide for gravity coupled acoustic waves. This is shown to be consistent with the results of a more complete study by Press and Harkrider.

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