UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Proximity : subtitle a scalable P2P architecture for latency sensitive massively multiplayer online games Malik, Kamran S.


P2P overlays are a natural architecture for scalably supporting Massively Multiplayer Online Games. However, computing consistent game state in a distributed fashion without compromising responsiveness places very hard to meet bandwidth, latency and scalability requirements on the architecture. We present Proximity - a system that utilizes the limited Area of Interest of game entities to arrange player contributed machines in an overlay that optimizes bandwidth consumption, reduces event propagation delays and scales dynamically with an increasing number of players. Network proximity of nodes is also taken into account during the overlay construction process. In this thesis, we describe how to split game state management over unreliable player machines while meeting the fault tolerance, state persistency and consistency requirements of games. We anticipate our system, with its increased scalability and lower latency, opening the possibility of completely new genre of MMOGs with fast paced reflexive action at a fraction of a cost of the more traditional client server architecture.

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