UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Topological manipulation of isosurfaces Carr, Hamish


In this thesis, I show how to use the topological information encoded in an abstraction called the contour tree to enable interactive manipulation of individual contour surfaces in an isosurface scene, using an interface called the flexible isosurface. Underpinning this interface are several improvements and extensions to existing work on the contour tree. The first, and most critical, extension, is the path seed: a new method of generating seeds from the contour tree for isosurface extraction. The second extension is to compute geometric information called local spatial measures for contours and store this information in the contour tree. The third extension is to use local spatial measures to simplify both the contour tree and isosurface displays. This simplification can also be used for noise removal. Lastly, this thesis extends work with contour trees from simplicial meshes to arbitrary meshes, interpolants, and tessellation cases.

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