UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Reliability analysis of structural concrete elements Jonsson, Gisli


The reliability of reinforced concrete elements and design iceberg impact loads for offshore structures were studied. The reliability program RELAN was used to perform FORM reliability analysis for reinforced beams subjected to bending, and for a reinforced concrete wall from the Hibernia offshore structure subjected to complex loading. RELAN was also used to establish the probabilistic distribution of ice impact loads. To study the reliability of concrete beams accounting for the variability of the intervening variables, and in order to determine the theoretical flexural capacity of concrete beam, computer program TIN was developed. TIN uses a strain compatibility approach accounting for the non-linear stress-strain relationships of concrete and reinforcing steel. As a pilot study on the reliability of concrete elements, a beam designed according to the Canadian concrete code was analyzed with the objective of evaluating the effect of different spans and reinforcing steel ratios on the reliability of the beam. To study the reliability of more complex elements, an element from the icewall of the Hibernia offshore structure was used. The theoretical strength of the wall element was evaluated with program SHELL474. In order to link SHELL474 to RELAN for the reliability study, the main subroutine in SHELL474 was modified. Since one of the major factors in reliability studies of concrete offshore structures are the uncertainties associated with extreme environmental load conditions, the statistics for ice impact loads for the Hibemia structure were derived using RELAN and applications of energy conservation principles. For the purpose of deriving the ice load distributions to evaluate the reliability of the Hibemia icewall element, the program PROB, which is a product of the reliability program RELAN and the energy conservation principles, was developed.

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