UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Towards the construction of the heterotic moduli Wu, Peilin


We study the moduli space of the heterotic system, which holds significant importance in physics. Fixing the complex structure, we explore the moduli space by considering two different yet “dual” deformation paths starting from a Kähler solution. They correspond to deformations along the Bott-Chern cohomology class and the Aeppli cohomology class respectively. Together with the deformation of the gauge bundle, we prove the existence of heterotic solutions along these two paths using the implicit function theorem. Hence, we construct local coordinates in the neighborhood of a Kähler solution along the submanifold of fixed complex structure on the full heterotic moduli. This is an initial step in constructing the full metric of heterotic moduli.

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