UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Augmentation of coarse meshes with wrinkles Gillette, Russell


Folds and wrinkles are an important visual cue in the recognition of realistically dressed characters in virtual environments. Wrinkles must, however, move dynamically within the context of an animation to retain much of this realism. Adding wrinkles to real-time cloth visualization proves challenging, as the animations used in games, pre-render visualization, and other such applications, often have no reference shape, an extremely low triangle count, and poor temporal and spatial coherence. I contribute approaches towards the persistence of wrinkles over time, and the creation and rendering of wrinkle geometry in a real-time context, towards a novel real-time method for adding believable, dynamic wrinkles to coarse cloth animations. With this method we trace spatially and temporally coherent wrinkle paths and overcomes the inaccuracies and noise in low-end cloth animation. We employ a two stage stretch tensor estimation process, first detecting regions of consistent surface behaviour, and then using these regions to construct a per-triangle, temporally adaptive reference shape and a stretch tensor based on it. We use this tensor to dynamically generate new wrinkle geometry on coarse cloth meshes through use of the GPU tessellation unit. Our algorithm produces plausible fine wrinkles on real-world data sets at real-time frame rates, and is suitable for the current generation of consoles and PC graphics cards.

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Attribution 2.5 Canada