UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Conflict-driven symbolic execution : how to learn to get better Val, Celina Gomes do


Due to software complexity, manual and automatic testing are not enough to guarantee the correct behavior of software. One alternative to this limitation is known as Symbolic Execution. Symbolic Execution is a formal verification method that simulates software execution using symbolic values instead of concrete ones. The execution starts with all input variables unconstrained, and assignments that use any input variable are encoded as logical expressions. Whenever a branch is reached, the symbolic execution engine checks which values the branch condition can assume. If more than one valid evaluation is possible, the execution forks, and a new process is created for each possibility. In cases where the program execution is finite, symbolic execution is complete, and potentially executes every reachable program path. However, the number of paths is exponential in the number of branches in the program, and this approach suffers from a problem know as path explosion. This thesis presents a novel algorithm that can dynamically reduce the number of paths explored during symbolic execution in order to prove a given set of properties. The algorithm is capable of learning from conflicts detected while symbolically executing a path. I have named this algorithm Conflict-Driven Symbolic Execution (CDSE), since it was inspired by the conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) insights introduced by modern boolean satisfiability solvers. The proposed algorithm takes advantage of two features responsible for the success of CDCL solvers: conflict analysis and non-chronological backtracking. In a nutshell, CDSE prunes the search space every time a certain branch is proven infeasible by learning the reason why there is a conflict. In order to assess the proposed algorithm, this thesis presents a proof-of-concept CDSE tool named Kite, and compares its performance to the state-of-the-art symbolic execution tool Klee. The results are encouraging, and present practical evidence that conflict-driven symbolic execution can perform better than regular symbolic execution.

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