UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Dynamical models for the Ion Channel Switch (ICS) biosensor Moradi Monfared, Sahar


This thesis derives dynamical models that explain the operation of a solid phase immunoassay biosensor, the Ion Channel Switch (ICS) biosensor. The ICS biosensor unlike similar biosensors admits multiple surface chemical reactions which make the mathematical models significantly more complex than models used to describe alike biosensors. A two dimensional partial differential equation describes the distribution of the analyte through out the flow chamber. The interaction of analyte and the immobilized species at the biosensor electrode is modeled through the boundary condition at the bottom of the flow chamber. This boundary condition couples the partial differential equation to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations which are used to describe the surface chemical reactions. This model produces accurate results particularly when the rate of transport of analyte to the biosensor surface is comparable to the rate of reactions occurring at the biosensor surface. However, when the rate of mass transport is much faster than the reaction rates, the dynamics of the ICS biosensor can be accurately described by a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations in which analyte concentration is assumed constant. Accuracy of the derived mathematical models are verified by comparing the simulated biosensor response to that obtained from an experimental run of the ICS biosensor.

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