UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Using line and ellipse features for rectification of broadcast hockey video Gupta, Ankur


To use hockey broadcast videos for automatic game analysis, we need to compensate for camera viewpoint and motion. This can be done by using features on the rink to estimate the homography between the observed rink and a geometric model of the rink, as specified in the appropriate rule book (top down view of the rink). However, occlusion due to players, wide range of camera motion and frames with few reliable key-points pose a significant challenge for robustness and accuracy of the solution. In this work, we describe a new method to use line and ellipse features along with key-point based matches to estimate the homography. We combine domain knowledge (i.e., rink geometry) with an appearance model of the rink to detect these features accurately. This overdetermines the homography estimation to make the system more robust. We show this approach is applicable to real world data and demonstrate the ability to track long sequences on the order of 1,000 frames.

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