UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

MMSP : an alternative transport protocol for multiple co-existing networks Song, Haoran


Mobile Multi-Streaming Protocol (MMSP) is a new protocol combining and abstracting the essential functionalities of TCP and UDP for multiple coex isting networks. It inherits the good characteristics from TCP while over comes many drawbacks from it. The most important features of MMSP is multi-streaming within a single connection. Our work proposes, investigates and provides a concept for maintaining a reliable connection by setting up multiple streams via different network interfaces. We designed and imple mented a bunch of new packet formats, algorithms and state machines. Our experiments have successfully proved that MMSP provides a func tional solution to satisfy many requirements for up-layer protocols and ap plications in both wired and wireless networks, producing higher network throughput, security and reliability. Especially for mobile networks, the unique design and characteristics of MMSP is in the ascendant. It is a successful protocol extension of the transport layer on IP stack.

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