UBC Graduate Research

In The Spirit of Home : A Revaluing of the Domestic Ghanaian Courtyard Ansah, Andrea Esiarba


This project examines the questioning of identity in Ghana and its manifestation in the built environment from a socio-political, and environmental perspective. By drawing connections between colonialism, identity questioning and cultural discontinuity, this project revalues the domestic Ghanaian courtyard while critiquing the shift from communal housing typologies towards inward-looking typologies such as the single-family house and the high-rise apartment building. This revaluing is done in the spirit of ‘Anansesem’, a didactic Ghanaian storytelling tradition. It breaks free from Western conventions and hegemonic frameworks which rely solely on academic sources and goes further to include the voices of post-colonial Ghanaian fiction and my lived experience. The culmination of this project is a spatial story which celebrates cultural identity expressed in the traditional domestic courtyard while exposing the shortcomings of aspiring towards Western housing typologies and ways of living.

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