International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP) (12th : 2015)

Quantifying and accounting for aftershock hazard in performance-based earthquake engineering van de Lindt, John W.; Nazari, Negar; Li, Yue


After a mainshock, the threat to occupant life safety and risk of excessive building damage can be considerably higher than before the occurrence of the mainshock, because of building damage sustained in the mainshock, uncertainty in the time of occurrence, magnitude and location of a potential aftershock. Aftershocks around the world have been observed to collapse damaged buildings. Nevertheless, most of current seismic risk assessment tools only consider mainshock effects without taking into account aftershocks. In this paper a procedure is introduced to investigate and quantify the effect of aftershock hazard on the performance-based design of a four-story woodframe building.

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