International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP) (12th : 2015)

Multi-objective community-level seismic retrofit optimization for resiliency using engineering and socioeconomic variables Jennings, Elaina N.; van de Lindt, John W.; Peek, Lori


A seismic loss estimation model is incorporated into a multi-objective community-level optimization for identifying the optimal retrofit plan for the woodframe building stock with the intention of improving a community’s resiliency to earthquakes. The framework of the loss estimation model and multi-objective optimization considers five damage states based on potential morbidity rates, repair costs, relocation costs, and repair times. A community-level case study is conducted for Los Angeles County, California considering a maximum considered earthquake (MCE) seismic hazard using a simplified design space. The framework provides the pareto-optimal set of retrofit solutions for the community allowing for decision makers to apply community preferences in selecting the “optimal” resiliency plan.

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