Chinese Canadian Stories

[Interview with Harry Wong] Tam, Aaron


This is an interview with Harry Wong. Harry Wong talks about his childhood in Kulangsu and Hong Kong and his experience at St. John's University in Shanghai in and after World War II. Harry Wong also shares with us many business stories and ventures in this personal narrative interview. Harry Wong was one of the forefathers of the food industries in China when he founded Hong Kong instant noodles brand Doll Instant Noodles. Harry Wong also talks about his family life.; 王漢熙講述了自己在 Kulangsu 和香港的童年和第二次世界戰爭期間在上海聖約翰學院求學的經歷。 他也分享了自己的商界歷程。 王漢熙是中國食品業的先鋒, 也是「公仔麵」的創始人。他亦論及他的家庭生活。

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