Chinese Canadian Stories

[The Search for Koreatown: Pinpointing Self-Identity Amidst a Moving Culture] Bang, Andrea; Im, Peter; Ostaszewski, Valentine; Wood, Daniel


This film examines the waves of Korean migration to Canada. Different groups of Korean immigrants of all ages face similar and different challenges in regards to adapting and finding a sense of identity. The film follows the opinions of different Koreans through their experiences of migration and adaptation in Canada.; 影片記述了加拿大的韓國移民的生活。 各個社會年齡階層的韓國移民都面臨著各種挑戰及自己的認同危機。 影片採訪了韓國移民以了解他們對移民加拿大並融入加拿大社會的經歷。

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