Chinese Canadian Stories

[nterview with Stanley Kwok] Tam, Aaron; Yu, Henry


This is a personal interview with Stanley Kwok as he talks about his life and experience at St. John’s University before moving to Canada. He also talks about the continuation of the St. John's legacy. He worked as an architect and also studied in London before working for BC Place. The assisted in fighting for the Expo and also helped with the development of Crystal Mall.; 郭敦禮講述了自己在上海的童年和來加拿大之前在聖約翰大學求學的經歷。郭敦禮致力於銘記聖約翰大學精神並保存聖約翰人的歷史。他是一位建築師並在倫敦受教育。 他參與了世博的土地競標並幫助開發麗晶廣場。

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