BC Historical Books

BC Historical Books

BC Historical Books

British Columbia, Canada's most westerly province : its position, advantages, resources and climate : new fields for mining, farming and ranching along the lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway : information for prospectors, miners and intending settlers Canadian Pacific Railway Company


"Cover title: British Columbia: farms, fisheries, forests, mines. Also: [1891?] 22 cm. Also: with title British Columbia, the Pacific province of the Dominion of Canada; its position, resources and climate. Anew field for farming, ranching and mining along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway; full information for intending settlers. 1892. 32 p. illus., map. 22 cm. Cover title : British Columbia. Also : 1893. 31 p. illus., maps(incL 1 fold .) Revised. Also: with title ... New fields for farming, ranching and mining along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway; full information for the intending settler. 1894. Also: 1895. Also: with title British Columbia, Canada's most westerly province; its position, advantages, resources, and climate. New fields for farming, ranching and mining along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway; information for prospectors, miners and intending settlers. 1896. 32 p. ill us., maps. 22 cm. Back cover missing. Also: with title ... New fields for mining, farming and ranching along the lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway...[Montreal) 1897. 36 p. illus., maps(1 fold.) 23 cm. (Cf Lowther (271). No copy located. Also: [Montreal? The Author] 1898. 48 p. ill us., maps(1 fold.) 22 cm. Cover title: British Columbia. Also: 1899. 63 p. Revised. Also: with title British Columbia, the most westerly province of Canada...New fields for mining, farming, fruit growing and ranching along the lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway...1900. 64 p. Slightly revised. Also: 1901. No copy located. Also: with title British Columbia, Canada's most westerly province...1902. 21 cm. Slightly revised. Also: 1903. Slightly revised. Also: with title ... New fields for mining, farming, lumbering, fruit growing and ranching reached by the Canadian Pacific Railway; a handbook of trustworthy information. 1904. 84 p. Slightly revised. Also: with title La Colombie Britannique, la province a ['extreme Ouest du Canada; sa topographie, ses avantages, ses resources, son climat. Nouveaux champs ouverts a {'exploitation des mines, a ['industrie agricole, et a l'elevage des animaux le long des lignes du chemin de fer du Pacifique Canadien. Renseignements pour les explorateurs, les mineurs et les colons. [Montreal?] 1904. 112 p. illus. 21 cm. Cover title: La Colombie Britannique. On title page: Publies par autorite de I'Hon. Clifford Sifton, Ministre de I'Interieur. Also: with title British Columbia, Canada's most westerly province; its position, advantages, resources and climate. New fields for mining, farming, lumbering. fruit growing and ranching reached by the Canadian Pacific Railway; a handbook of trustworthy information. [Montreal? The Author] 1905. 64 p. illus., fold.map. 21 cm. Cover title: British Columbia. Revised. Also: with title British Columbia, Canada's Pacific province; its position, advantages, resources and climate. [Montreal?] The Author [1906] Cover title: British Columbia: farming, mining, lumbering. ranching and fruit growing. Revised. Also: with title British Columbia, Canada's Pacific province; its advantages, resources and climate. [1907] 63 p. Cover title: British Columbia: farming, lumbering, mining, fruit-growing. Revised. Also: [1908] Cover title: British Columbia: farming, lumbering, mining, fruit growing, fishing; Canada's Pacific province. Also: with title British Columbia, Canada's Pacific province; its natural resources, advantages and climate. [1909] 64 p. Cover title: British Columbia. Also: [Montreal?] The Author, 1910. 80 p. illus., 2 col.fold.maps. 20 cm. Revised. Also: 1911. 77 p. illus., col.fold.map. 21 cm. Cover title: British Columbia: agriculture, timber, minerals, fruit farming, fisheries. Slightly revised. Also: 1912. Cover title: British Columbia. Slightly revised." -- Edwards, M. H., Lort, J. C. R., & Carmichael, W. J. (1975). A bibliography of British Columbia: Years of growth, 1900-1950. Victoria, BC: University of Victoria, p. 57.

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