BC Historical Books

BC Historical Books

BC Historical Books

History of the Oregon territory, and the British North-American fur trade; with an account of the habits and customs of the principal native tribes on the northern continent Dunn, John


"A "few specimens of the language of the Millbank and Chinook tribe": pp.358-359. "This work, now somewhat scarce, is one of the best of its period" :- Cowan. "Devoted largely to a history of the Hudson's Bay Company and an account of the country...":- Wagner. Reprinted by Edwards and Hughes in 1846 without alteration and called 2d. ed." -- Strathern, G. M., & Edwards, M. H. (1970). Navigations, traffiques & discoveries, 1774-1848: A guide to publications relating to the area now British Columbia. Victoria, BC: University of Victoria, p. 80-81.

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