BC Historical Books

BC Historical Books

BC Historical Books

The British Columbia directory for the years 1882-83, embracing a business and general directory of the province, dominion and provincial official lists, reliable information about the country. With an appendix Williams, Robert Taylor


"Printer varies. Issued for the year 1882/83, 1884/85, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1894, 1895, 1897-98, and 1899. Title varies: 1882/83 and 1884/85 as The British Columbia directory; 1889 as Williams' British Columbia directory. Binder's title, 1889-94: Williams' British Columbia directory and street index. Incorporated into Henderson's British Columbia gazetteer and directory, 1900. Subtitles vary. Provides lists of government officials, teachers, officers of armed forces, societies, consuls, members of the Legislative Assembly, and judges, as well as providing a wide range of information about various B.C. localities." -- Lowther, B. J., & Laing, M. (1968). A bibliography of British Columbia: Laying the foundations, 1849-1899. Victoria, BC: University of Victoria, p. 71.

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