UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A precisely aligned CCD mosaic for astronomy Chapman, Scott Christopher


By relying on semiconductor lithography and processing techniques, I have fabricated a flat, precision aligned CCD mosaic for astronomical uses, and other imaging applications where large, flat focal planes are important. Modifications to the lithographic techniques used in micromachining lead to a significant reduction in various residue deposits, allowing a smooth surface suitable for CCD alignment. Details of the technique and the fabrication of a prototype mosaic are described. The composite device is flat to within ± 5 //m, with rows/columns oriented to within 20 ppm. The use of an existing technology with built in precision reduces many of the difficulties and expenses typically encountered with mosaic detector construction. Imaging with a prototype camera confirms the accuracy of alignment. Applications for the 5 meter liquid mirror telescope (LMT) are considered, using the mosaic in time-delay and integrate (TDI) mode.

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