UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Development of a SCADA system to monitor and control continuous casting of steel billets Rakocevic, Vladimir Vladimir


Continuous casting of steel billets, blooms and slabs is one of the dominant processes in the steel making industry. Production of high quality steel with no defects, has become a very important issue in the current highly competitive market conditions. To satisfy quality control standards, steel mills must now incorporate "state of the art" technologies in continuous casting. New techniques from different fields are being applied to the process to assist in casting "perfect" steel. Computers are now essential elements in applying advanced technologies for process and quality improvements. In this work, an attempt has been made to create an intelligent Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) for the billet casting process. The "brain" of this system consists of an Artificial Intelligence entity that combines low-level numerical processing of sensor inputs with high-level symbol processing, ie. an Expert System The mastered process knowledge and experience, along with intelligent numerical computation, have been captured into a system called "Smart" Mould. This thesis focuses on the evolution of the hardware framework and software support for the SCADA system The concept of intelligent computation as a prerequisite to intelligent process control with respect to the continuous casting of steel billets is also introduced.

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