UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Assessing membrane ageing using historical data Shishir, Md Nurul Afcher


Historical data from four full-scale ultrafiltration membrane facilities was analyzed to gain insight into changes in membranes' performance over time, commonly referred to as membrane ageing. The analysis indicates that performance factors, such as hydraulically irreversible resistance, clean membrane resistance, total fouling rate, and the extent of resistance reversed during Backwash (BW), increase as membranes age. The rates at which these performance factors increased were substantially different between facilities indicating that membrane ageing is influenced by site-specific raw water and operational conditions. A framework was developed to forecast membrane replacement age using data from the initial years of operation. Adoption of this framework provides evidence-based tools to assist with the operation and long-term financial management of membrane infrastructure.

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