UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Energy efficient schemes in a mobile sensor network with application in automated monitoring of water quality Shu, Tongxin


The present thesis addresses the power management issues in a mobile sensor network, with application in automated water quality monitoring. A water quality monitoring platform typically involves a wireless sensor network (WSN), in which a number of mobile sensor nodes (SN) are deployed in the water body to constantly collect the water-related sensory data such as the dissolved oxygen, pH value, temperature, oxidation-reduction potential, and electrical conductivity. This data is used to compute water quality index values, transmit them via some routing schemes, and eventually make them accessible to the water quality professionals, governing agencies, or the public. Power management is nontrivial in the monitoring of a remote environment, especially when long-term monitoring is anticipated. However, constrained by the limited energy supply and internal characteristics of the devices, without proper power management, the devices may become nonfunctional within the networked monitoring system, and as a consequence, the data or events captured during the monitoring process will become inaccurate or non-transmittable. Research is proposed here to develop three distinct approaches for energy conservation in a sensor network, and apply them for automated monitoring of the quality of water in an extensive and remote aquatic body. This thesis analytically develops and applies several energy efficient schemes for power management in the automated spatiotemporal monitoring of the quality of water in an extensive and remote aquatic environment. In general, the schemes for power management of a sensor network can be investigated from a number of aspects and schemes. Those schemes typically range from physical layer optimization to network layer solutions. Meanwhile, depending on the specific applications, some energy efficient methodologies are custom-designed, and thus have limitations when used in other applications. Given this background, three energy efficient methods are proposed in this thesis for conserving energy within a WSN. Those proposed three methods, including DDASA, Hybrid DPS and GCVD, are studied on both the sensor node level and the system level, which energy-efficiently reduce the energy consumption and save extra energy thereby prolonging the life of the WSN. It is expected that the proposed methods will be applicable in other spatiotemporal monitoring applications.

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