History of Nursing in Pacific Canada

Using photo analysis to examine the history of nursing in political spheres : Canadian and European perspectives Vandenberg, Helen; Twohig, Peter; Boschma, Geertje; Schalkwijk, Hugo; Galiana Sanchez, Maria Eugenia; La Torre, Anna; Peters, Anja Katharina; Franković, Sanda; Kralj, Zvonimir; Subtil, Carlos Luzada Lopes


Panel presenters and members of the respective Canadian and European Associations of the History of Nursing will present and examine a series of photographs representing key events in the history of nursing from various perspectives, time periods and national and international contexts. The panel will show how photographs can provide insight into nursing’s past that may not necessarily be captured by document analysis alone and may invite reflection on the ways in which nursing has interacted with different political influences.

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