International Construction Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (ICSC) (5th : 2015)

One relation to rule them all : the point-to-point precedence relation that substitutes the existing ones Hajdu, Miklos


Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) has gained the widest acceptance in the scheduling practice in the last decades due to its modeling flexibility over other existing techniques, and to the relative simplicity of its mathematical background. The four basic precedence relationships have been serving planners for more than half a century. However, even this model is not flexible enough; proper modeling of overlapped activities seems to be a never-ending debate. Different practical and theoretical solutions have been proposed during the years for better modeling overlapped activities. The most promising among them is the development of a new type of relation that can connect any two arbitrary points of the related activities. These relations can be called point-to-point relations. Different authors in various ways have proposed similar solutions. To the best of our knowledge, the literature on the mathematical model of PDM using this new relation is lacking. Main results of the paper are: 1) standardized discussion of the different approaches to point-to-point relations; 2) proper mathematical model of PDM with point-to-point relations; 3) introduction of the algorithm that can handle point-to-point relations with both minimal and maximal lag to define the earliest and latest feasible time policy.

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