UBC Undergraduate Research

Mapping Vegetation Communities in Burns Bog, Delta, British Columbia : Building an Understanding of Habitat Heterogeneity to Inform Future Management Strategies Rahn, Olivia; Slimon, Kelley; Lobe, Jack; Plantinga, Will


This project aimed to map vegetation communities within Burns Bog in Delta, British Columbia and develop an understanding of the diverse set of ecotypes within the area. Our objective was to conduct a scientific, unbiased and reproducible survey of Burns Bog’s vegetation that could be compared to the findings of previous reports. We have made suggestions regarding management strategies for Burns Bog based on (1) presence of blue or red-listed ecosystems as defined by COSEWIC/SARA and (2) presence of habitat suitable for the red-legged frog (Rana aurora), a species of Special Concern defined by COSEWIC. We also took into account climate model projections for the region when considering future management strategies for Burns Bog. We found that dozens of distinctive habitats exist within larger areas previously classified as a singular habitat, and that the majority of suitable R.aurora habitat exists in areas threatened by future development and construction. We hope that this information can be used in the future to inform effective and innovative management of the Burns Bog area.

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