UBC Undergraduate Research

Ecological integrity in Stanley Park : future monitoring practices to assess long term ecological integrity McDonald, Andrea; Nadeau, Maureen; Chan, Andrew; Cordero, Karmina


In December 2006, a major windstorm event hit Stanley Park, causing significant damage to the ecology of the park. In an effort to restore the ecological integrity of the park, the Vancouver Park Board sought advice from the Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES), only to find that no data had previously been collected regarding the park's ecology. This realization prompted SPES to formulate a long-term monitoring program that would be used to create a regularly updated State of the Park Report for the Ecological Integrity of Stanley Park (SOPEI). Long-term monitoring was conducted in both 2007 and 2009 at six sites throughout the park. These six sites consisted of three sites that had been affected by the windstorm and three sites that had not, in order to assess the differences in the sites and to determine how to effectively restore the park to its original state. In 2010, SOPEI was written, giving Stanley Park board members a thorough understanding of the current ecological state of the park. However, due to a lack of resources no further long-term monitoring was conducted, leaving no available data to create a new SOPEI report. This project focuses on creating a long-term monitoring plan that is simple and easy to use, while still maintaining the scientific integrity that is necessary to assess the ecological health of the park. The long-term monitoring plan includes a sampling database as well as a survey manual that explains how to properly sample and where the sites are located. This plan will be used for years to come, to ensure that thorough data is collected and analyzed consistently to allow for trends among data to be found. This data will provide SPES with information regarding sites that are at the most ecological risk and provide park board members an idea of where future developments should and shouldn’t go, based on their ecological significance to the park.

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