UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The spark spectra of zinc Dick, Kenneth Anderson


The spark spectra of zinc have been photographed in the region between 990 Å and 2590 Å using a condensed spark in helium as source. Exposures were taken using a Hilger large quartz prism spectrograph and a 3 meter normal incidence vacuum grating spectrograph of local design. Of 1000 lines measured, some 228 were classified in the spectra Zn I, Zn II, and Zn III on the basis of square arrays constructed using energy levels from Moore's "Atomic Energy levels," volume II (1952). Also, 67 lines were classified in the third spark spectrum of zinc, Zn IV, enabling assignment of relative energies to 8 even levels belonging to the configuration 3d⁸ 4s and to 27 odd levels belonging to the configuration 3d⁸ 4p, In addition, use was made of 25 lines measured by Bloch and Bloch (1936) in the region below 500 Å in determination of the ground state 3d⁹²D.

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