UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

EEG alpha production in alpha conditioning and meditation Warrington, Julia Ann


Following training to discriminate their own alpha and non-alpha production, five subjects were tested over five sessions to determine whether EEG alpha autocontrol by this method was similar to that produced in initial meditation practice sessions by five naive meditators. Both groups were compared with a control "resting" group of five subjects. Besides alpha data, an adjective checklist and questionnaire were scored. No significant differences on percent alpha or alpha length were found between groups. However, the interaction effect approached significance. Meditators produced the greatest amount of alpha on the first session only and subsequently decreased alpha production. They also experienced more negative feelings over the sessions. Alpha conditioned subjects increased alpha production slightly as did the controls who produced somewhat less alpha than the former group. Relevance of the results to previous studies was discussed. Suggestions for further controls and methodological improvements were proposed.

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