UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

CBD office location patterns : a Vancouver case study Takahashi, David Leslie


Beginning from the premise that there is a positive correlation between form and process, this study undertakes to uncover patterns of office location in the Vancouver CBD. It is hypothesized that intra-CBD location of offices reflect the functional or interactive relationships that exist between offices. It is possible to infer the existence of linkages by identifying groups or sets of office types which are typically found in close physical proximity. Two main statistical techniques are utilized in the case study: principal components analysis and grouping analysis. The former is used to identify groups of office types which exhibit tendencies to locate in close proximity; the latter to identify sub-areas in the CBD where the clustering of interrelated office types is most conspicuous. The results, although generally consistent with the hypothesis, cannot be regarded as conclusive as direct confirmation of the hypothesis is not possible. The results are, however, encouraging and indicate the need for additional research in this important, but often neglected, area of urban location theory

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