UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Study of the double-cone ring gasket Lou, Cao-lin


The double-cone ring gasket used as a static seal for high pressure operates on the principle of unsupported area by which the pressure applied to the gasket produces a large pressure at the seating surfaces thus maintaining a tight joint. An analysis based on elastic behaviour and simplifying assumptions is developed for predicting the sealing forces and the strains in the gasket. An apparatus was built for testing the effectiveness of the gasket for sealing pressures to 10,000 psi. Gaskets of several different proportions were tested and all were found to seal satisfactorily. Strain measurements made during the tests showed satisfactory agreement with predicted values for the assembly condition, but there were discrepancies between the predicted and observed values for the gaskets under pressure. These discrepancies indicate that the simple assumptions used in the analysis are not sufficiently accurate. The general conclusions are that the double-cone ring gasket is satisfactory for high pressure static seals and that the proportions of the ring cross section are not critical to the effectiveness of the seal.

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