UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Linear scheduling and 4D visualization Tran, Ngoc


Described in this thesis is a novel approach to 4D CAD. It involves a 2-way symbiotic relationship between 3D CAD software and a software implementation of linear planning that includes the ability to define a project product model and associate it with the process model. Strengths of the approach include the ability to readily modify construction sequences and examine their consequences using 4D CAD, and the ability to treat very large scale projects marked by significant repetition of their components. By building on a shared image of the project product model from both a design and construction perspective, the CAD model can be structured in a way that facilitates communication with the scheduling software and vice versa. Various challenges involved in making the 2-way process work are described, including consistency of product representation in the CAD and scheduling models, and the need to group CAD components at different levels of detail and locations to reflect the kinds of aggregation found in schedule representations of a project. The benefits of the approach include the ease with which different scheduling strategies can be explored and visualized, the links between 3D objects and activities can be maintained, and the completeness of the product model representations can be validated. An example is used to illustrate the approach adopted and challenges involved.

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