UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Soil texture of Pinus ponderosa plant communities in British Columbia Ogilvie, Robert Townley


The field, work for this investigation was carried out in the summer of 1952, during this time soil samples and field notes were made. Further soil samples were secured in the summer of 1953, The area in which the yellow pine communities were studied was in the Okanagan, Similkameen, Nicola and South Thompson valleys as well as the southern Cariboo in the vicinity of Clinton, The soil samples were air-dried, weighed and the gravel fraction ( particles greater than 2 mm. in diameter) separated by sieve. The gravel fraction was weighed and the percentage determined for each sample. The mechanical analysis was done by means of the Bouyoueos hydrometer Method, following the removal of organic matter by hydrogen peroxide, and carbonates by treatment with hydrochloric acid. The results of the mechanical analysis were expressed in terms of percentages, by weight, of sand, silt and clay on the basis of the soil sample with the gravel removed. Using the textural classification of the United States Department of Agriculture the results were expressed In terms of sandy loam, loam, etc. for each plant community. The ranges in soil texture for each plant community are: Agropyron association - sandy loam to clay loam with extremes of sand and clay. Stipa subassociation - sandy loam. Artemisia subassociation - clay loam. Purshia association – generally sand, occasionally sandy loam. Aristida subassociation- sand to sandy loam. Rhus association - loamy sand with high percentage of gravel. Arctostaphylos association - sandy loam or loamy sand to sand. Arctostaphylos - Calamagrostis association - sand to sandy Calamagrostis association - sandy clay loam to sandy loam. Symphoricarpos association - sandy loam and sandy clay loam.

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