UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Seasonal variation in some of the properties of a Phycocolloid from GRACILARIA CONFERVOIDES McRae, D. H.


The investigation was carried out in order to determine the seasonal variation in some of the properties of agar from British Columbia Gracilaria confervoldes. Optimum conditions for the preparation of agar were determined. The methods employed in the preparation of the seaweed for extraction were found to affect the properties of the agar. A very marked seasonal variation in the gelation property of the agar was obtained and the maximum gel strength values were found to vary with the source of the seaweed. Maximum gel strength values obtained during the investigation were found to be 100% and more higher than that of commercial Difco Bacto agar. The other significant physical properties of the agar prepared in this investigation were found to be comparable to those reported by other investigators working with Graollaria confervoldes in other parts of the world.

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