UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Relationships between growth rate, feed efficiency, carcass quality and certain organ weights in swine Bowden, David M.


The object of this study was to consider effects of treatment on and relationships among, certain economic characteristics and organ weights in purebred Yorkshire market hogs. Included are measurements on 132 pigs from three experimental groups. Economic characteristics measured were; rate of gain, dressing percentage, feed per unit gain, lean cuts, fat cuts and belly. Organs weighed were heart, liver, spleen, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and adrenals. In the test of forage utilization pasture fed pigs grew slower, produced leaner carcasses and had heavier hearts, spleens and stomachs than those fed in drylot. In the two tests of dried apple pomace utilization addition of 20% pomace had no significant effects on the characteristics or organs measured. Increasing the level to 40%, however, resulted in slower growth, greater feed consumption per unit gain, lower dressing percentage, leaner carcass, heavier liver and heavier large intestine. Physiological aspects of correlations and regressions among the characteristics and organs are discussed as are the influences of treatments on these relationships.

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