UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Social work services for the putative father : a review of administration under the Children of Unmarried Parents Act and Vancouver Social Welfare Branch experience, June 1950 - May 1955. Harder, Ilse Martha Berta


The purpose of this study was to make an assessment of social work services extended to putative fathers as part of the administration of the Children of Unmarried Parents Act. This study was undertaken because comparatively little attention is given to the putative father and services he might need. Because the Social Welfare Branch in Vancouver retains a social worker specially for work under the Children of Unmarried Parents Act, this was a relevant setting for the study. Legislation relative to illegitimacy and paternity in some European countries, in the United States and in British Columbia is reviewed. For the Province Of British Columbia, the administrative setting and the legal framework within which the social worker has to operate is described. A series of cases are then reviewed; first, by comparison of brief service cases and continued service cases; second, by comparison of "co-operative" and "non-co-operative" cases, the latter being reviewed (a) statistically and (b) by case examples. The provisional findings of this study are that these differentials are less important than differences in the circumstances of the clients and the quality of the casework which is possible. The exception that shows up statistically is that working out of a lump-sum settlement needs more than one face-to-face interview. Suggestions for further exploration and methods of improving service are made in a concluding section.

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