UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Stresses in a torispherical head of a pressure vessel by photoelastic coating method Szekessy, Laszlo Imre


The use of the photoelastic coating method in determining the stresses in the torispherical head of a pressure vessel was investigated. It was found that the method is valuable to obtain the distribution, direction, and magnitude of stresses on the surface of any structure. The results obtained with the method showed close agreement with the theoretical investigations. The maximum stresses in a torispherical head of a pressure vessel occur in the torus. The same conclusion was drawn from the results obtained with the method. It also revealed, that these stresses were compressive on the outer surface. The mobility of the instruments, the relatively simple way of coating the surface of the structure are other features of the method.

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