UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Effects of peat and sawdust mulches and their leachates on the growth and certain metabolic reactions of the highbush blueberry : (Vaccinium corymbosum L. var Coville) Osborne, James Robert


Greenhouse, field and laboratory experiments were conducted to ascertain some growth and metabolic responses of the Coville blueberry variety, to sawdust and peat mulches, and the leachates of these mulches. From the greenhouse experiments it would appear that in some manner the mulches in question increased the metabolic activities of the plants. The increased activity was reflected by increased growth of the mulched plants, a higher ash content and a higher total nitrogen content of the leaves. A greater concentration of free amino acids occurred in the unmulched plants than in the mulched ones. This indicates that the nitrogen metabolic activities were hastened by the mulching.

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