UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The chaplain in health and welfare services: a study of his role in the general hospital with special reference to the Vancouver General Hospital and recent developments in the clinical pastoral training movement MacRae, Robert Daniel


This study was undertaken (a) to examine some areas where the traditional role of the chaplain has undergone significant changes, (b) to determine the present role of the chaplain in a general hospital and (c) to study the Clinical Pastoral Training Movement, and its significance to the traditional chaplaincy and to social work. After a discussion of the historical background of the chaplaincy in the Christian Church and in some selected social institutions, there is an examination of the role of the chaplain in the general hospital and a discussion of some religious needs of patients. To gain information from chaplains at Vancouver General Hospital each was interviewed and a questionnaire was completed. The chaplains also kept statistics of some aspects of their work for a two-week period. There is an examination of the chaplain's backgrounds, their counselling practices and referral patterns. The latter are compared to referral patterns made by theological students and social work students in three brief case illustrations. The Clinical Pastoral Training Movement and its literature are examined in some detail. Standards and curriculum are outlined and references made to the rapid expansion of the movement. Implications are drawn for the Churches, the Vancouver General Hospital and social work. Some specific suggestions are made for these three areas arising from these findings.

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