UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The social processes of community development in India. Shimpo, Mitsuru


After the Second World War, a type of social planning called Community Development was widely adopted by underdeveloped countries. This comprehensive approach has a basic postulate: if opportunity is given, people will respond. In this assumption, considerations of 'process' are neglected. The focus of this thesis is the analysis of the social process of Community Development Programmes with special reference to India. When a stimulus is given to an organism, the response is determined in part by the structure of the organism. The process of social response is determined by two sets of independent variables, the social structure and the relevant values. These variables are examined at two levels, administrative organization and village society. From the analysis, the writer discovered that there is a contradiction, perhaps an inherent one, in the two ultimate targets of social planning. Thus an increase of production and an extension of social justice may be incompatible, and there is a lag between material programmes and educational programmes that is inevitable but exceedingly hard to reckon with.

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