UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

How old people live: a descriptive case-study of a sample group of old age pensioners; their living conditions and welfare needs Cuthbert, Eyvolle Pearl


This study examines the major difficulties experienced by a small sample of Old Age Pensioners in their daily living, and the manner in which these problems are resolved. The method was to interview these persons personally, and to draw from the facts obtained, a word picture of their situations and needs. The first section (Chapter I), describes generally, the major exigencies of elderly people in modern urban society, as known from current writing on the subject. The middle sections (Chapters II and III) depict (a) the housing situation, living conditions and health circumstances, (b) the personal life and social contacts of the persons interviewed. On the basis of these "case histories," conclusions are drawn as to existing needs for certain services for the aged, which are not sufficiently recognized at present, or would enhance those already provided, in significant ways.

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